
Sources for the production of ultra-cold neutrons at the nuclear research reactor facility TRIGA Mainz.

Currently two sources for the production of ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) are in development at the nuclear research reactor TRIGA Mainz (FR MZ). These can be used for pulse or continuous operation of the FR MZ. Additional information and etailed description can be found here.

In the framework of the PRISMA cluster of excellence, these sources are provided for experiments by external users as a user-facility. Corresponding experimental proposals for beam times at the FR MZ are going to be evaluated within a scientific board which converges every six months.

You can find a short summary, as well as a detailed guide to request Experiments and sign up as a user in the following links:

Short summary to sign up (Experiment and User)

Guideline to sign up for experiments

Guideline to sign up for users

Forms for user registration

NOTE: Please make sure to know that only entirely registered users are allowed to get access to the user-facility. This registration needs to be completely arrived at our facility five weeks before the requested appointment. All users are accepting through transmitting of their personal data, that they will be checked by the responsible federal authorities. Access for pregnant or breastfeeding woman, as well as all persons, who have not reached the age of 16 is prohibited.