Since 04.2014 Nuclear Safety Officer at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry, University of Mainz, Germany
10/1996 - 03/2014 Scientist at the Institute of Physics, University of Mainz, Germany.
Research: nuclear spin polarization of Helium-3 and Xenon-129 by optical pumping techniques, ultra-sensitive magnetometry based on free precession of nuclear spins, application of hyperpolarized gases for lung magnetic resonance imaging, high-precision laser spectroscopy, ultra trace analysis with resonance ionisation spectroscopy
08/1991 – 08/1996: Scientist at the Department of Physics, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
Research: nonlinear optics and dynamic holography
Selected Publications
Systematic T1 improvement for hyperpolarized 129xenon
Maricel Repetto, Earl Babcock, Peter Blümler, Werner Heil, Sergei Karpuk, Kathlynne Tullney
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 252 (2015), 163-169
Ultrasensitive 3He magnetometer for measurements of high magnetic fields
Anna Nikiel, Peter Blümler, Werner Heil, Manfred Hahn, Sergei Karpuk, Andreas Maul, Ernst Otten, Laura M. Schreiber, and Maxim Terekhov
European Physical Journal D 68 (2014) 330 (1-12)
Reply to the Comment "New Limit on Lorentz-Invariance- and CPT-Violating Neutron Spin Interactions Using a Free-Spin-Precession 3He-129Xe Comagnetometer"
F.Allmendinger, U.Schmidt, W.Heil, S.Karpuk, A.Scharth, Yu.Sobolev, and K.Tullney
Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 188902
Test of Time Dilation Using Stored Li+ Ions as Clocks at Relativistic Speed
Benjamin Botermann, Dennis Bing, Christopher Geppert, Gerald Gwinner, Theodor W. Hänsch, Gerhard Huber, Sergei Karpuk, Andreas Krieger, Thomas Kühl, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, Christian Novotny, Sascha Reinhardt, Rodolfo Sánchez, Dirk Schwalm, Thomas Stöhlker, Andreas Wolf, and Guido Saathoff
Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 120405 (1-5)
New Limit on Lorentz-Invariance- and CPT-Violating Neutron Spin Interactions Using a Free-Spin-Precession 3He-129Xe Comagnetometer
F.Allmendinger, W.Heil, S.Karpuk, W.Kilian, A.Scharth, U.Schmidt, A.Schnabel, Yu.Sobolev, and K.Tullney
Physical Review Letters 112 (2014) 110801 (1-5)
Spin polarized 3He: From basic research to medical applications
S.Karpuk, F.Allmendinger, M.Burghoff, C.Gemmel, M.Güldner, W.Heil, W.Kilian, S.Knappe-Grüneberg, Ch.Mrozik, W.Müller, E.W.Otten, M.Repetto, Z.Salhi, U.Schmidt, A.Schnabel, F.Seifert, Yu.Sobolev, L.Trahms, K.Tullney
Physics of Particles and Nuclei 44 (2013) 904-908
Constrains on Spin-Dependent Short-Range Interaction between Nucleons
K.Tullney, F.Allmendinger, M.Burghoff, W.Heil, S.Karpuk, W.Kilian, S.Knappe-Grüneberg, W.Müller, U.Schmidt, A.Schnabel, F.Seifert, Yu.Sobolev, and L.Trahms
Physical Review Letters 111 (2013) 100801 (1-5)
Spin clocks: Probing fundamental symmetries in nature
Werner Heil, Claudia Gemmel, Sergei Karpuk, Yuri Sobolev, Kathlynne Tullney, Fabian Allmendinger, Ulrich Schmidt, Martin Burghoff, Wolfgang Kilian, Silvia Knappe-Grüneberg, Allard Schnabel, Frank Seifert, and Lutz Trahms
Annalen der Physik 525 (2013) 539-549
Searches for Lorentz violation in 3He/129Xe clock comparison experiments
F.Allmendinger, M.Burghoff, W.Heil, S.Karpuk, W.Kilian, S.Knappe-Grüneberg, W.Müller, U.Schmidt, A.Schnabel, F.Seifert, Yu.Sobolev, L.Trahms, K.Tullney
Hyperfine Interactions 215 (2013) 15-23
Recycling of 3He From Lung Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Z.Salhi, T.Großmann, M.Gueldner, W.Heil, S.Karpuk, E.W.Otten, D.Rudersdorf, R.Surkau, and U.Wolf
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67 (2012) 1758-1763
A polarized 3He target for the photon beam at MAMI
J.Krimmer, P.Aguar Bartolomé, J.Ahrens, S.Altieri, H.J.Arends, W.Heil, S.Karpuk, E.W.Otten, P.Pedroni, Z.Salhi, A.Thomas
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 648 (2011) 35-40
Comment on: “Lorentz violation in high-energy ions” by Santosh Devasia
G.Saathoff, S.Reinhardt, R.Holzwarth, T.W.Hänsch, Th.Udem, D.Bing, D.Schwalm, A.Wolf, S.Karpuk, G.Huber, C.Novotny, B.Botermann, C.Geppert, W.Nörtershäuser, T.Kühl, T.Stöhlker, G.Gwinner
European Physical Journal C 71 (2011) 1596 (1-2)
Preparatory measurements for a test of time dilatation in the ESR
B.Botermann, C.Novotny, D.Bing, C.Geppert, G.Gwinner, T.W.Hänsch, G.Huber, S.Karpuk, T.Kühl, W.Nörtershäuser, S.Reinhardt, G.Saathoff, D.Schwalm, T.Stöhlker, and A.Wolf
Canadian Journal of Physics 89 (2011) 85-93
Limit on Lorentz and CPT violation of the bound neutron using a free precession 3He/129Xe comagnetometer
C.Gemmel, W.Heil, S.Karpuk, K.Lenz, Yu.Sobolev, K.Tullney, M.Burghoff, W.Kilian, S.Knappe-Grüneberg, W.Müller, A.Schnabel, F.Seifert, L.Trahms, and U.Schmidt
Physical Review D 82 (2010) 111901 (R) (1-5)
Measurement of Gas Transport Kinetics in High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV) of the Lung Using Hyperpolarized 3He Magnetic Resonance Imaging
M.Terekhov, J.Rivoire, A.Scholz, U.Wolf, S.Karpuk, Z.Salhi, R.Koebrich, M.David, and L.M.Schreiber
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 32 (2010) 887-894
Ultra-sensitive magnetometry based on free precession of nuclear spins
C.Gemmel, W.Heil, S.Karpuk, K.Lenz, Ch.Ludwig, Yu.Sobolev, K.Tullney, M.Burghoff, W.Kilian, S.Knappe-Grüneberg, W.Müller, A.Schnabel, F.Seifert, L.Trahms, and St.Baeßler
European Physical Journal D 57 (2010) 303-320
Magnetized boxes for housing polarized spins in homogeneous fields
S.Hiebel, T.Großmann, D.Kiselev, J.Schmiedeskamp, Y.Gusev, W.Heil, S.Karpuk, J.Krimmer, E.W.Otten, Z.Salhi
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 204 (2010) 37-49
Design and Evaluation of a 32-Channel Phased-Array Coil for Lung Imaging with Hyperpolarized 3-Helium
F.M.Meise, J.Rivoire, M.Terekhov, G.C.Wiggins, B.Keil, S.Karpuk, Z.Salhi, L.L.Wald, and L.M.Schreiber
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63 (2010) 456-464
A highly polarized 3He target for the electron beam at MAMI
J.Krimmer, M.Distler, W.Heil, S.Karpuk, D.Kiselev, Z.Salhi, E.W.Otten
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 611 (2009) 18-24
Sub-Doppler laser spectroscopy on relativistic beams and tests of Lorentz invariance
C.Novotny, G.Huber, S.Karpuk, S.Reinhardt, D.Bing, D.Schwalm, A.Wolf, B.Bernhardt, T.W.Hänsch, R.Holzwarth, G.Saathoff, Th.Udem, W.Nörtershäuser, G.Ewald, C.Geppert, T.Kühl, T.Stöhlker, and G.Gwinner
Physical Review A 80 (2009) 022107-(1-5)
Towards a precision test of time dilation at high velocity
C.Novotny, B.Bernhardt, D.Bing, G.Ewald, C.Geppert, G.Gwinner, G.Huber, S.Karpuk, H.-J.Kluge, T.Kühl, W.Nörtershäuser, S.Reinhardt, G.Saathoff, D.Schwalm, T.Stöhlker, and A. Wolf
Canadian Journal of Physics 87 (2009) 749-756
Test of relativistic time dilation with fast optical atomic clocks at different velocities
S.Reinhardt, G.Saathoff, H.Buhr, L.A.Carlson, A.Wolf, D.Schwalm, S.Karpuk, C.Novotny, G.Huber, M.Zimmermann, R.Holzwarth, T.Udem, T.W.Hänsch and G.Gwinner
Nature Physics 3 (2007) 861-864
Absolute frequency measurements and comparisons in iodine at 735 nm and 772 nm
S.Reinhardt, B.Bernhardt, C.Geppert, R.Holzwarth, G.Huber, S.Karpuk, N.Miski-Oglu, W.Nörtershäuser, C.Novotny, T.Udem
Optics Communications 274 (2007) 354-360
Experimental test of special relativity by laser spectroscopy
C.Novotny, B.Bernhardt, G.Ewald, C.Geppert, G.Gwinner, T.W.Hänsch, R.Holzwarth, G.Huber, S.Karpuk, H.-J.Kluge, T.Kühl, W.Nörtershäuser, S.Reinhardt, G.Saathoff, D.Schwalm, T.Udem, A.Wolf
Hyperfine Interactions 171 (2006) 57-67
Spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis of elements combining resonance ionization with a MALDI-TOF spectrometer
J.Maul, I.Strachnov, K.Eberhardt, S.Karpuk, G.Passler, N.Trautmann, K.Wendt, G.Huber
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 386 (2006) 109-118
Iodine hyperfine structure and absolute frequency measurements at 565, 576, and 585 nm
S.Reinhardt, G.Saathoff, S.Karpuk, C.Novotny, G.Huber, M.Zimmermann, R.Holzwarth, T.Udem, T.W.Hänsch, G.Gwinner
Optics Communications 261 (2006) 282-290
Onset of crater formation during short pulse laser ablation
J.Maul, I.Strachnov, S.Karpuk, P.Bernhard, A.Oelsner, G.Schönhense, G.Huber
Applied Physics A 82 (2006) 43-47
Multi-color resonance ionization of laser ablated gadolinium at high laser power
J.Maul, K.Eberhardt, G.Huber, S.Karpuk, G.Passler, M.C.Roca-Saiz, I.Strachnov, N.Trautmann, K.Wendt
Optics Communications 256 (2005) 364-372
Periodic unmixing of a binary metallic vapor
J.Maul, I.Strachnov, S.Karpuk, T.Schilling, A.Oelsner, P.Bernhard, H.J.Elmers, G.Schönhense and G.Huber
Physical Review B 72 (2005) 155431-(1-5)
Test of time dilation by laser spectroscopy on fast ions
G.Saathoff, S.Reinhardt, H.Buhr, L.A.Carlson, D.Schwalm, A.Wolf, S.Karpuk, C.Novotny, G.Huber, and G.Gwinner
Canadian Journal of Physics 83 (4) (2005) 425-434
Bimodal velocity distribution of atoms released from nanosecond ultraviolet laser ablation
J.Maul, S.Karpuk, and G.Huber
Physical Review B 71 (2005) 045428-(1-5)
Laser Cooling and Spectroscopy of Relativistic C3+ Beams at the ESR
U.Schramm, M.Bussmann, D.Habs, M.Steck, T.Kühl, K.Beckert, P.Beller, B.Franzke, F.Nolden, G.Saathoff, S.Reinhardt, S.Karpuk
Hyperfine Interactions 162 (2005) 181-188
A laser desorption/resonance enhanced photoionisation TOF-system for the spatially resolved trace analysis of elements
J.Maul, T.Berg, K.Eberhardt, I.Hoog, G.Huber, S.Karpuk, G.Passler, I.Strachnov, N.Trautmann, K.Wendt
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 226 (2004) 644-650
Improved Test of Time Dilation in Special Relativity
G.Saathoff, S.Karpuk, U.Eisenbarth, G.Huber, S.Krohn, R.Muñoz Horta, S.Reinhardt, D.Schwalm, A.Wolf, and G.Gwinner
Physical Review Letters 91 (2003) 190403-(1-4)
Laser-Cooled Ions and Atoms in a Storage Ring
J.Kleinert, S.Hannemann, B.Eike, U.Eisenbarth, M.Grieser, R.Grimm, G.Gwinner, S.Karpuk, G.Saathoff, U.Schramm, D.Schwalm, M.Weidemüller
Hyperfine Interactions 146/147 (2003) 189-195
Toward a new test of the relativistic time dilation factor by laser spectroscopy of fast ions in a storage ring
G.Saathoff, U.Eisenbarth, S.Hannemann, I.Hoog, G.Huber, S.Karpuk, S.Krohn, J.Lassen, D.Schwalm, M.Weidemueller, A.Wolf and G.Gwinner
Hyperfine Interactions 146/147 (2003) 71-75
Nonlinear formation of dynamic holograms and multiwave mixing in resonant media
A.S.Rubanov, A.L.Tolstik, S.M.Karpuk, O.Ormachea
Optics Communications 181 (2000) 183-190
Bunched laser cooling of a stored weak 7Li+ ion beam in a pure triplet state
P.Merz, R.Grieser, G.Huber, S.Karpuk, V.Sebastian, P.Seelig, M.Grieser, R.Grimm, I.Lauer, V.Luger, D.Schwalm, A.Dax, T.Engel, M.Gerlach, T.Kühl and H.Winter
Hyperfine Interactions 115 (1998) 53-56
Nonlinear formation of dynamic holograms in a dye solution
S.M.Karpuk, A.S.Rubanov, A.L.Tolstik
Quantum Electronics 27, №1 (1997) 49-51
Double phase conjugation in quadratic recording dynamic holograms in resonant media
S.M.Karpuk, A.S.Rubanov, A.L.Tolstik
Optics and spectroscopy 80 (1996) 313-318
Quadratic record of dynamic holograms in resonance media
S.M.Karpuk, A.S.Rubanov, A.L.Tolstik, A.V.Chalei
Pisma w zhurnal teknnicheskoj fiziki 20, №12 (1994) 4-8
4-wave interaction in resonance media under the spatially homogeneous pumping of excited channel
E.V.Ivakin, S.M.Karpuk, A.S.Rubanov, A.L.Tolstik, A.V.Chalei
Izvestiya akademii nauk SSSR seriya fizicheskaya 56, №8 (1992) 41-46
Noncoherent intensification of wave-front conversion in dye solutions
E.V.Ivakin, S.M.Karpuk, A.S.Rubanov, A.L.Tolstik, A.V.Chalei
Pisma w zhurnal teknnicheskoj fiziki 17, №14 (1991) 56-59
Selected contributions to conferences and Talks
Spin Polarized 3He for MRI of the Lung: Large Scale Production, Storage, Administration and Recovery
ESMRMB (European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology) 2013 – 30th Annual Scientific Meeting, October 3–5, 2013 – Toulouse (France)
Spinpolarised 3He: From basic research to medical applications
SPIN 2012 – 20th International Spin Physics Symposium, September 17 – 22, 2012 – Dubna (Russia)
Polarized He-3 production, storage and transport
Workshop on Opportunities for polarized He-3 in RHIC and EIC, September 28 – 30, 2011 - Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
Testing Lorentz Invariance and other Fundamental Symmetries in 3He/129Xe Clock-comparison Experiments
PANIC 11 – The 19th Particles and Nuclei International Conference, July 24 – 29, 2011 - Cambridge (USA)
Medical applications of hyperpolarized Helium-3
SPIN 2010 – 19th International Spin Physics Symposium, September 27 – October 2, 2010 - Jülich (Germany)
3He polarization techniques
Workshop of Polarized Helium Lung Imaging Network “Lung imaging: The latest developments and medical applications”,
24-27 May, 2010 - Krakow (Poland)
Magnetfelder und Helium machen die Lunge sichtbar
Eingeladener Vortrag am Institut für Technische Physik (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie), 13. April 2010 - Karlsruhe (Deutschland)
Spinpolarized 3He: from basic research to medical application
XIIIth International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets & Polarimetry, September 07-11, 2009 - Ferrara (Italy)
Large Scale Production and Handling of spin-polarized Helium-3 for MRT of Lungs: storage and transport
Advanced course of magnetic resonance lung imaging using hyperpolarized gases, May 26-30, 2008 - Madrid (Spain)